Sevil-Aguareles, J., Gutiérrez, F., Benito-Calvo, A. (2025). Terrestrial Laser Scanner Versus Ground-Based Structure from Motion Photogrammetry for Sinkhole Characterization and Monitoring in an Urban Area. A Comparative Assessment in the Evaporite Karst of Zaragoza City, NE Spain. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (Under Review). Pre-print available at SSRN:
Editorial work
Closson, D., Al-Halbouni, D., Baer, G., Siebert, C., Sevil, J. [Guest Editors] (2024). Remote Sensing of the Dead Sea Region. Remote Sensing [Special Issue]. ISSN 2072-4292.
Publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals
Sevil-Aguareles, J., Pisani, L., Chiarini, V., Santagata, T., De Waele, J. (2024). Gypsum cave notches and their palaeoenvironmental significance: a combined morphometric study using terrestrial laser scanning, traditional cave mapping, and geomorphological observations. Geomorphology, 471 (109576), 1-13. Open Access.
Sevil, J., Gutiérrez, F. (2024). Temporal variability of sinkhole hazard illustrated in the western shore of the Dead Sea. Natural Hazards, 1-15. Open Access.
Sevillano, P., Preciado-Garbayo, J., Sevil, J., Gutiérrez, F., Martínez, J. J., Martín-López, S., González-Herráez, M. (2023). Vertical displacement measurement in a slow-moving sinkhole using BOTDA. Photonic Sensors 14 (240122): 1-17. Open Access.
Gutiérrez, F., Sevil, J., Sevillano, P., Preciado-Garbayo, J., Martínez, J. J., Martín-López, S., González-Herráez, M. (2023). The application of distributed optical fiber sensors (Botda) to sinkhole monitoring. Review and the case of a damaging sinkhole in the Ebro valley evaporite karst (NE Spain). Engineering Geology, 325 (107289): 1-13. Open Access.
Migoń, P., Gutiérrez, F., Parenti, C., Sevil, J. (2023). Ebro Valley Gypsum Escarpment near Zaragoza (NE Spain). - Combination of Highly Valuable Rock Record, Dynamic Geomorphosites and Associated Cultural Heritage. Geoheritage 15, 110. Open Access.
Sevil, J., Gutiérrez, F. (2023). Morphometry and evolution of sinkholes on the western shore of the Dead Sea. Implications for susceptibility assessment. Geomorphology, 434(108732), 108732. Open Access.
Gutiérrez, F., Sevil, J., Migoń, P. (2023). Landslides in the Remolinos gypsum escarpment (NE Spain): controls imposed by stratigraphy, fluvial erosion, and interstratal salt dissolution. Landslides, 20: 2075-2093. Open Access.
Sevil, J., Benito‐Calvo, A., Gutiérrez, F. (2021). Sinkhole subsidence monitoring combining terrestrial laser scanner and high‐precision levelling. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(8), 1431–1444.
Guerrero, J., Sevil, J., Desir, G., Gutiérrez, F., Arnay, Á. G., Galve, J. P., Reyes-Carmona, C. (2021). The Detection of Active Sinkholes by Airborne Differential Li- DAR DEMs and InSAR Cloud Computing Tools. Remote Sensing, 13(16), 3261. Open Access.
Sevil, J., Gutiérrez, F., Carnicer, C., Carbonel, D., Desir, G., García-Arnay, Á., Guerrero, J. (2020). Characterizing and monitoring a high-risk sinkhole in an urban area underlain by salt through non-invasive methods: Detailed mapping, high-precision leveling and GPR. Engineering Geology, 272, 105641.
Parenti, C., Gutiérrez, F., Baioni, D., García-Arnay, Á., Sevil, J., Luzzi, E. (2020). Closed depressions in Kotido crater, Arabia Terra, Mars. Possible evidence of evaporite dissolution-induced subsidence. Icarus, 341, 113680.
Gutiérrez, F., Carbonel, D., Sevil, J., Moreno, D., Linares, R., Comas, X., Zarroca, M., Roqué, C., McCalpin, J.P. (2020). Neotectonics and late Holocene paleoseismic evidence in the Plio-Quaternary Daroca Half-graben, Iberian Chain, NE Spain. Implications for fault source characterization. Journal of structural geology, 131, 103933.
Gutiérrez, F., Sevil, J., Silva, P. G., Roca, E., Escosa, F. (2019). Geomorphic and stratigraphic evidence of Quaternary diapiric activity enhanced by fluvial incision. Navarrés salt wall and graben system, SE Spain. Geomorphology, 342, 176-195.
Carbonel, D., Gutiérrez, F., Sevil, J., McCalpin, J. P. (2019). Evaluating Quaternary activity versus inactivity on faults and folds using geomorphological mapping and trenching: Seismic hazard implications. Geomorphology, 338, 43-60.
Gutiérrez, F., Fabregat, I., Roqué, C., Carbonel, D., Zarroca, M., Linares, R., Yechieli, Y., García-Arnay, Á., Sevil, J. (2019). Sinkholes in hypogene versus epigene karst systems, illustrated with the hypogene gypsum karst of the Sant Miquel de Campmajor Valley, NE Spain. Geomorphology, 328, 57-78.
Gutiérrez, F., Benito-Calvo, A., Carbonel, D., Desir, G., Sevil, J., Guerrero, J., Martínez-Fernández, A., Karamplaglidis, T., García-Arnay, Á., Fabregat, I. (2019). Review on sinkhole monitoring and performance of remediation measures by high-precision leveling and terrestrial laser scanner in the salt karst of the Ebro Valley, Spain. Engineering Geology, 248, 283-308.
Benito-Calvo, A., Gutiérrez, F., Martínez-Fernández, A., Carbonel, D., Karampaglidis, T., Desir, G., Sevil, J., Guerrero, J., Fabregat, I., García-Arnay, Á., 2018. 4D monitoring of active sinkholes with a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS): a case study in the evaporite karst of the Ebro valley, NE Spain. Remote Sensing, 10(4), 571. Open Access.
Sevil, J., Gutiérrez, F., Zarroca, M., Desir, G., Carbonel, D., Guerrero, J., Linares, R., Roqué, C., and Fabregat, I. (2017). Sinkhole investigation in an urban area by trenching in combination with GPR, ERT and high-precision leveling. Mantled evaporite karst of Zaragoza city, NE Spain. Engineering Geology, 231, 9-20.
General audience science publications
Sevil Aguareles, J. (2024, September 11). “Peligrosidad por dolinas: un análisis detallado en el Mar Muerto”. “Agrupación de Jóvenes Geomorfólogos” of the Spanish Society of Geomorphology (“Sociedad Española de Geomorfología” – SEG). Retrieved from
Gisbert, M., Lanau, P., Laborda, R., Sauqué, V., Sevil, J., Villalba-Mouco, V. (2021). Aragón Subterráneo. Boletín de exploraciones nº3. Monografía: Cavidades y Arte Rupestre de Salvatierra de Escá (Centro de Espeleología de Aragón). Boletín de exploraciones del Centro de Espeleología de Aragón. Zaragoza, Aragón(España). ISSN 2530-7363.
Gisbert, M., Laborda, R., Sauqué, V., Sevil, J., Villalba-Mouco, V., Lanau, P. (2019). Aragón Subterráneo. Boletín de exploraciones nº2. Monografía: Sistema de Lecherines (Centro de Espeleología de Aragón). Boletín de exploraciones del Centro de Espeleología de Aragón. Zaragoza, Aragón (España). ISSN 2530-7363.
Gisbert, M., Laborda, R., Sauqué, V., Sevil, J., Villalba-Mouco, V., Lanau, P. (2017). Aragón Subterráneo. Boletín de exploraciones nº1. Monografía: El karst de Purujosa (Centro de Espeleología de Aragón). Boletín de exploraciones del Centro de Espeleología de Aragón. Zaragoza, Aragón(España). ISSN 2530-7363.