I am a geoscientist with a PhD in Geology, specializing in Geomorphology and Geohazards. My expertise lies in the quantitative characterization of damaging geological processes and the creation and analysis of cartographic inventories. I use mapping, geophysical, and remote sensing techniques, along with fieldwork, GIS software, and programming languages (R and Python), to develop comprehensive and accurate susceptibility and hazard assessments.
My interests focus on the morphometric and spatiotemporal analysis of geohazards and on the investigation of the potential temporal variability of their magnitude-frequency relationships in response to climate change or human activity. Additionally, I am also a big fan of karst and caves. (In fact, I am a caver myself🦇).
I enjoy working in multicultural and multidisciplinary environments. That is lucky because, during my training and professional activity, I have had the opportunity to study sinkholes, landslides, faults, caves, and diapirs in Spain, the USA, Italy, and the Dead Sea.
Oct 2018 – Dec 2023: PhD in Geology (University of Zaragoza, Spain). “Techniques applied to sinkhole investigation and monitoring”. International mention and Cum Laude distinction.
Sep 2016 – Jul 2017: MSc in Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards (University of Barcelona and Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain). Ranked 1st.
Sep 2011 – Sep 2015: BSc in Geology (University of Zaragoza). Ranked 1st.
Sep 2013 – Jun 2014: Completion of my Bachelor’s Degree in Geology during an ERASMUS grant (University of Cardiff, UK).
Research interests
Geohazard assessment
Subsidence, sinkholes, and karst
Mass wasting processes
Subaqueous landslides and tsunamis
Mapping and geospatial analyses
Quantitative characterization of damaging geological processes
Remote sensing techniques
Recipient of a competitive grant from Geo-INQUIRE to attend the Corinth Summer School 2024 “Strain mapping for the characterization and prevention of geohazard events”.
Recipient of a competitive grant from the “Associazione Italiana di Geografia fisica e Geomorfologia” to attend the “X AIGeo Italian Young Geomorphologists’ Day” and “III IAG International Young Geomorphologists’ Meeting”.
Awarded first prize in the VI Call for the Best Scientific Publication by Young Members of the “Sociedad Española de Geomorfología”: https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5112
Extraordinary master prize from the University of Barcelona to the best academic record (2016 – 2017).
Extraordinary degree prize from the University of Zaragoza to the best academic record (2011 – 2015).
Undergraduate departmental collaboration scholarship at the University of Zaragoza (2014 – 2015).
Participation in research projects
I-2024/014, “SPIRAL / eStrategia PIRenaica de Avisos por movimientos de Ladera (Poctefa 2021-2027)”. Period: 2024 – 2026. INTERREG POCTEFA 2021 – 2027. PI: Jesús Guerrero Iturbe (University of Zaragoza). 357,217 €. I am part of the working team and I collaborate in the acquisition, processing and analysis of 3D point clouds.
CGL2017-85045-P, “Desarrollo de metodologías para la cartografía, caracterización, monitorización y predicción de dolinas en sistemas kársticos epigénicos e hipogénicos”. Period: 2018 – 2022. “Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad” and European Social Fund (ESF). PI: Francisco Gutiérrez Santolalla (University of Zaragoza). 121,000 €. I completed my doctoral thesis within this project under the supervision of Francisco Gutiérrez Santolalla (UZ) and Alfonso Benito Calvo (CENIEH). I authored or co-authored 15 scientific publications related to this project.
PID2021-123189NB-I00, “Procesos geomorfológicos en sistemas salinos activos. Levantamiento, subsidencia, erosión química, deslizamientos, alteración en drenajes (DIAPERNO)”. Period: 2022 – 2026. “Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España”. PI: Francisco Gutiérrez Santolalla (University of Zaragoza). 217,800 €. I participate in the working team and my role is focused on geomorphological mapping and morphometric analyses.
I have 194.25 hours of certified teaching activity in the following courses:
Geological Hazards (“Riesgos geológicos”). Bachelor’s Degree in Geology at the University of Zaragoza.
Geomorphology (“Geomorfología”). Bachelor’s Degree in Geology at the University of Zaragoza.
Geomorphological and Geo-Environmental Mapping (“Cartografía geomorfológica y geoambiental”). Bachelor’s Degree in Geology at the University of Zaragoza.
Geological Engineering (“Ingeniería geológica”). Bachelor’s Degree in Geology at the University of Zaragoza.
Fundamentals of Geology for the study of the Environment (“Fundamentos de geología para el estudio del medio ambiente”). Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Zaragoza.
Co-supervision of Final Degree Projects (“Trabajo de Fin de Grado”). Bachelor’s Degree in Geology at the University of Zaragoza.
Work experience
Contract – InSAR consultant at TRE ALTAMIRA S.L.U. September 2024 – Present
Contract – “Monitorización de la dolina de Alcalá de Ebro mediante nivelación de alta precisión y láser escáner terrestre” (Monitoring of the sinkhole in Alcalá de Ebro by means of high-precision leveling and terrestrial laser scanner). CTA - Consultores Técnicos Asociados S.A. PI: Francisco Gutiérrez Santolalla (University of Zaragoza). November 2021 – July 2022.
Scientific Consultancy – Gutiérrez, F., Desir, G., Guerrero, J., García-Arnay, Á., Sevil, J. (2021). “Valoración sobre las posibles afecciones del Proyecto constructivo del acondicionamiento de la carretera HU-V- 8111 de acceso a Piracés sobre el Lugar de Interés Geológico (LIG) Areniscas de Piracés” (Assessment of the possible effects of the construction project for the improvement of the HU-V-8111 access road to Piracés on the Site of Geological Interest (LIG) Areniscas de Piracés). “Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de Zaragoza”. PI: Francisco Gutiérrez (University of Zaragoza).
Scientific Consultancy – Hanson, K., Gutiérrez, F., Silva, P.G., Bardají, T., Escosa, F., Roca, E., Elez, J., Giner, J.L., Huerta, P., Martínez, A.M., Roquero, E., Sevil, J., Tapias, F. (2018). New data collection and analyses report of Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant. Task 1-2 of Project SSHAC Level 3 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard analysis for nuclear power plant sites in Spain. INEX-FO-18-002949-00044. Iberdrola S.A. PI: Kathryn Hanson (KLHanson Consulting LLC).
Scientific Consultancy – Hanson K., Gutiérrez, F., Carbonel, D. Karampaglidis, T., Sevil, J. (2018). New data collection and analyses report of Trillo Nuclear Power Plant. Task 1-2 of Project SSHAC Level 3 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard analysis for nuclear power plant sites in Spain. INEX-FO-18-002949-00044. Iberdrola S.A. PI: Kathryn Hanson (KLHanson Consulting LLC).
Contract – “Análisis morfo-tectónico de las fallas de Ruesta y La Magdalena, Aragón”. (Morpho-tectonic analysis of the Ruesta and La Magdalena faults, Aragon). Geoalcali S.L. PI: Francisco Gutiérrez (University of Zaragoza). May – July 2018.